While perusing the beer section at my local grocery store I noticed they had 4 packs of Troegs Once a Year DIPA (IIPA – imperial india pale ale), Nimble Giant. I’ve enjoyed beers from Troegs like Nugget Nectar and Java Head Stout. This was my first IPA from the brewery located in The Sweetest Place on Earth, Hershey PA.

Nimble Giant side/back
I had no idea what to expect with this beer so I was shocked when the first think I smelled was pineapple. I don’t mean like I’m fooling myself into smelling pineapple I mean this straight up smelled of pineapple and hops. It was more delicate a nose than I expected but there was definitely a dank, malty aroma that ensures you are aware of it’s imperial IPA status.
It pours a clear orange with a fluffy fast dissipating head. Mouthfeel was slightly over carbonated to me. The pineapple flavor actually comes through in the taste but doesn’t overpower the other flavors such as grapefruit and floral notes. According to the label its IBU comes in at 69 which seems a little low for a imperial india pale ale. This results in a palate pleasing bitterness. There is a malty, booziness that I could have done without but you can’t have it all!
I look forward to drinking the other 3 cans of my 4 pack but I won’t crown this a fantastic DIPA.
It’s slightly above average, I give it a 3.50 out of 5.
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