My second beer from my Tree House Brewing haul is Sap. Having had several Tree House beers I think I can safely say this is the least Tree House-y beer I’ve had from them. It verges into traditional American West Coast IPA territory. It’s still hazy but there is more of a pine, resin presence and it’s a dryer less juicy beer. This is not to say the traditional Tree House juice forward flavors are missing they just aren’t as pronounced. It pours a tight white head that dissipates quickly leaving a lite lacing of little bubbles around the side of the glass. The color is a hazy pale yellow. My nose picked up hints of tropical fruits like pineapple, and sweet mango with a clear presence of earthy pine.

This is the first beer from Tree House that I saw scores dipping near the lower world class line and while waiting in line this was the beer that was generating the least interest. Maybe some Tree House regulars have been spoiled. I still found it to be really enjoyable. I will admit that it does seem just a step below their other offerings but this American IPA is still far better than many of its rivals.
I give it a solid 4.55 out of 5.
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