Great Beer - Less Intimidating

Tag: Tree House Week

Tree House Brewing – Green

Green Tree HouseI decided to bookend my week of Tree House beers with another Green beer, this time the American IPA Green.  There is no doubting the  traditional juiciness of a Tree House IPA is present but there is certainly a more pronounced bitterness. It doesn’t detract from the drinkability like some hops bombs but it is a noticeable difference.

What surprises me most about this beer is the first word I have written in my notebook from when I last had this beer, resin & grapefruit. Most people associate Tree House with juicy tasting profiles. The citrus flavor of this beer comes second to the hoppy-ness.  This IPA is a great blend of citrus and pine. I am much more a fan of fruity, juicy IPAs than bitter earthy ones but when combined correctly that extra complexity is really what makes IPAs so much fun to try.

This beer is done right, it’s smooth from start to finish and gets a 4.60 out of 5.

Tree House Brewing – Doppelganger

Our next entry is the dank and pungent Doppelganger. This DIPA version of Alter Ego is another winner from Tree House. I’m running out of ways to praise their beers and now realize doing 5 in a row may have been a bad idea. Hey, I’m new at this blogging thing. Usually I just drink beer I really like and love getting to repeatedly drink the best ones.

Tree House DoppelgangerCracking open one of these cans is like entering a citrus orchard. The level of hops and citrus you get is absurd. In my tasting notes I wrote oranges, tangerines and pineapples. Poured into a tulip glass it appears cloudy golden and has a thick white head that lasts. The mouth feel is surprisingly light and nicely carbonated. The heavy, almost sweet, aroma carries into the taste along with some additional notes. I tasted bitter orange zest, pineapple and a slightly piny at the end.

Yet another great beer from Tree House. A solid 4.65 out of 5 on my scale.


Tree House Brewing – Haze

Continuing my week of Tree House beers is Haze. This is the beer I was most excited to try. I have heard nothing but great things about it. I was not disappointed.

Haze by Tree HouseThis is a luscious brew. Of all the beers I’ve tried from Tree House this one seems the most luxurious. It’s rich with dank fruity goodness. Pungent sweet tropical and stone fruits come to mind, think nectarines and peaches. The smell is juicy as expected with a touch of bitter grapefruit and a floral, pine aroma that is just enough to make sure you know this is a IPA. It pours a cloudy pale yellow and lives up to its name. Julius (Link to previous post) may be the beer that really put Tree House on the map but Haze is what sets them apart. The mouth feel is silky smooth but the amount of flavor that has been packed into this beer is awesome. As with the way it smells Haze tastes of tropical fruits like pineapple and passion fruit with a faint dry finish.


Of the beers I’ve had from Tree House this is my favorite so far. If I ever do a top 10 list this will be on it and may even crack my top 5.


I’m giving it a 4.80 out of 5.

Tree House Brewing – Sap

Tree House SapMy second beer from my Tree House Brewing haul is Sap. Having had several Tree House beers I think I can safely say this is the least Tree House-y beer I’ve had from them. It verges into traditional American West Coast IPA territory. It’s still hazy but there is more of a pine, resin presence and it’s a dryer less juicy beer. This is not to say the traditional Tree House juice forward flavors are missing they just aren’t as pronounced. It pours a tight white head that dissipates quickly leaving a lite lacing of little bubbles around the side of the glass. The color is a hazy pale yellow. My nose picked up hints of tropical fruits like pineapple, and sweet mango with a clear presence of earthy pine.

Tree House Sap

This is the first beer from Tree House that I saw scores dipping near the lower world class line and while waiting in line this was the beer that was generating the least interest. Maybe some Tree House regulars have been spoiled. I still found it to be really enjoyable. I will admit that it does seem just a step below their other offerings but this American IPA is still far better than many of its rivals.

I give it a solid 4.55 out of 5.

Very Green – Tree House Brewing

tree House VeryGreen

Luck was on my side on a recent trip to Tree House Brewing as several beers were available for growler fills that I had not been able to try before. This week I’m going to try and fill my writing quota with nothing but Tree House Beers. The first of those beers I’m writing about is Very Green. Having had Green in the past, and really enjoyed it, I was excited to try its bigger DIPA brother. While standing in line for cans and growlers this beer was the most discussed. Several times I heard people asking if they were far enough toward the front to score a growler, a few others discussed how good it was or how excited the members of their party should be who hadn’t had it before.

Tree House Very Green

This juiced up version of Green aromatically exploded out of my growler with copious amounts of juicy hops. This DIPA truly embodies everything that makes Green awesome and improves upon them. It smells of juice and resin. The color is an opaque yellow, milky haze. The mouth feel is thick to the point of almost being creamy. Flavors are pungent tropical fruits with a slightly bitter/pine/resin note on the backend, especially as it warms. This refreshingly drinkable DIPA is yet another pleasing beer from Tree House. I cannot stress enough how remarkably balanced their beers are. You never get hung up on something or feel overwhelmed by another.

Very Green gets a 4.70 out of 5 from this guy.

See you tomorrow for Sap

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