Green Tree HouseI decided to bookend my week of Tree House beers with another Green beer, this time the American IPA Green.  There is no doubting the  traditional juiciness of a Tree House IPA is present but there is certainly a more pronounced bitterness. It doesn’t detract from the drinkability like some hops bombs but it is a noticeable difference.

What surprises me most about this beer is the first word I have written in my notebook from when I last had this beer, resin & grapefruit. Most people associate Tree House with juicy tasting profiles. The citrus flavor of this beer comes second to the hoppy-ness.  This IPA is a great blend of citrus and pine. I am much more a fan of fruity, juicy IPAs than bitter earthy ones but when combined correctly that extra complexity is really what makes IPAs so much fun to try.

This beer is done right, it’s smooth from start to finish and gets a 4.60 out of 5.