Blog_VertI’m just another guy who’s going around cataloging beers and breweries visited. I also think it’s important to voice some appreciation for the small businesses and entrepreneurs doing the hard work of creating the amazing craft beer scene we get to enjoy here in the USofA.

I am no expert. I’m not going to claim to be. I enjoy a fresh, tasty IPA as well as a dark, full bodied stout but if I’m at a picnic and all you’ve got is a keg of Miller Lite then get me a plastic cup and a shady spot to chill! Trying to get into fruited sours and saison’s? Follow along as I do the same.

These writings are intended to be informative and approachable. Been there, done that? Go somewhere else for deep dives and musings on adjuncts or yeast strains. May I suggest DDB’s Mariana Trench approach. is going to be more like Lake Pontchartrain.

To start, I’ve got a few beers already lined up and plan to post a review every few days. Eventually I hope to provide ideas on where I’ll be going next and giving insights on how I search and pick beers I want to try. (Hint – Friends and the internets are great sources but knowing where to start can be difficult).

Thanks for reading-