Great Beer - Less Intimidating


Tree House Brewing – Doppelganger

Our next entry is the dank and pungent Doppelganger. This DIPA version of Alter Ego is another winner from Tree House. I’m running out of ways to praise their beers and now realize doing 5 in a row may have been a bad idea. Hey, I’m new at this blogging thing. Usually I just drink beer I really like and love getting to repeatedly drink the best ones.

Tree House DoppelgangerCracking open one of these cans is like entering a citrus orchard. The level of hops and citrus you get is absurd. In my tasting notes I wrote oranges, tangerines and pineapples. Poured into a tulip glass it appears cloudy golden and has a thick white head that lasts. The mouth feel is surprisingly light and nicely carbonated. The heavy, almost sweet, aroma carries into the taste along with some additional notes. I tasted bitter orange zest, pineapple and a slightly piny at the end.

Yet another great beer from Tree House. A solid 4.65 out of 5 on my scale.


Very Green – Tree House Brewing

tree House VeryGreen

Luck was on my side on a recent trip to Tree House Brewing as several beers were available for growler fills that I had not been able to try before. This week I’m going to try and fill my writing quota with nothing but Tree House Beers. The first of those beers I’m writing about is Very Green. Having had Green in the past, and really enjoyed it, I was excited to try its bigger DIPA brother. While standing in line for cans and growlers this beer was the most discussed. Several times I heard people asking if they were far enough toward the front to score a growler, a few others discussed how good it was or how excited the members of their party should be who hadn’t had it before.

Tree House Very Green

This juiced up version of Green aromatically exploded out of my growler with copious amounts of juicy hops. This DIPA truly embodies everything that makes Green awesome and improves upon them. It smells of juice and resin. The color is an opaque yellow, milky haze. The mouth feel is thick to the point of almost being creamy. Flavors are pungent tropical fruits with a slightly bitter/pine/resin note on the backend, especially as it warms. This refreshingly drinkable DIPA is yet another pleasing beer from Tree House. I cannot stress enough how remarkably balanced their beers are. You never get hung up on something or feel overwhelmed by another.

Very Green gets a 4.70 out of 5 from this guy.

See you tomorrow for Sap

Jack’s Abby and New England Brewing Co. Tasting

Today I’m writing about a Jacks Abby/New England Brewing Co. tasting on July 27th in The Armonk, NY DeCicco’s. This is a little gem of a craft beer spot. It’s in a grocery store with shelves and coolers full of craft beer offerings. I almost always find something I’ve never had and/or want to try when visiting there stores. When in Armonk, do not neglect the large selection in the mezzanine. My first visit I only perused the coolers on the main floor. What a mistake. There are several more rows to see upstairs and the entire area is ringed with tables and boxes of great options to choose from.

They were hosting a Jack’s Abby Brewing and New England Brewing Co. (I’m going shorten to NEBCO from here on) event. I sampled 4 beers, 2 from each brewery. From Jack’s Abby I chose Cucumber Basil Sour and Brandy Barrel-Aged Framinghammer. From NEBCO I took advantage of this being my first opportunity to taste Fuzzy Baby Ducks and Double Fuzzy Baby Ducks.

Before I get to the beer I want to acknowledge how smooth this event was. These folks at DeCicco’s know what they are doing. Promptly at go time they started pouring. In minutes everyone was enjoying their beers. New arrivals were handled quickly and refills were easy to come by. There was no delay when ordering a flight vs single glasses. Only difference was you got a sheet of paper with everything on tap and you were asked to circle your four options. That was it. A few minutes later the flight was in front of me ready for tasting.JA_NEBCO Flight

Here are the beers listed in the order that I drank them, ABV lowest to highest: 

Jack’s Abby – Cucumber Basil Sour

This was one of the most unique flavor combos I’ve ever seen. I am still pretty new to sour beers so take my views with a grain of salt. I thought this was a very delicate beer. It lives up to the cucumber name. I was little surprised they were able to bring that very light vegetable flavor forward as much as they did. It is a light, crisp beer. The earthy basil levels out the almost vinegar/fruity tartness. This is not some huge funky beer. It was light, smooth and enjoyable.

NEBCO – Fuzzy Baby Ducks

This lite hazy New England style IPA has gained a serious following. After missing out a few times on visits to their tap room I was determined to get a taste of FBD on this day. It did not disappoint. This beer has bitter, grapefruit and citrus rind on full display in the aroma. It was surprisingly smooth in flavor, the bitter hops fade nicely on the back end rather than just punching your taste buds relentlessly. Another thing I really enjoyed was that there was none of that malty-ness you sometimes get from higher ABV IPAs.

NEBCO – Double Fuzzy Baby Ducks

Delicious. I could just leave my notes at that and it would be completely accurate. It’s a wonderfully smooth, juicy New England IPA. It’s got a similarly lite haze like its forbearer but it takes everything up a notch. It’s silky smooth, lightly bitter and a complete juice bomb with notes of citrus that leave you looking for pulp at the bottom of your glass. Easily my favorite beer of the day and NEBCO beer overall.

Jack’s Abby – Brandy Barrel-Aged Framinghammer

The biggest surprise of the day for me had to be Brandy BA Framinghammer. I had a Bourbon BA Framinghammer a few years ago that was OK but nothing especially noteworthy. Here in my notes on Brandy BA Framinghammer I have written WOW as the first entry. This Baltic Porter comes off more like a Stout. The slight thinness reminds you that it isn’t a stout but otherwise it might as well be. There is a deep roasty smell and there is no missing the brandy either. It might be a bit boozy for the uninitiated but overall this is a fantastic BA beer. If I had to make one critique it would be that it was a little over carbonated. I could do with a little less of the effervescent mouth feel so the dark fruitiness of the brandy and the smooth roasted flavors could have presented better. Still, this was probably my second favorite beer of the day and easily the biggest surprise.

Troegs – Nimble Giant

While perusing the beer section at my local grocery store I noticed they had 4 packs of Troegs Once a Year DIPA (IIPA – imperial india pale ale), Nimble Giant. I’ve enjoyed beers from Troegs like Nugget Nectar and Java Head Stout. This was my first IPA from the brewery located in The Sweetest Place on Earth, Hershey PA


Nimble Giant side/back

I had no idea what to expect with this beer so I was shocked when the first think I smelled was pineapple. I don’t mean like I’m fooling myself into smelling pineapple I mean this straight up smelled of pineapple and hops. It was more delicate a nose than I expected but there was definitely a dank, malty aroma that ensures you are aware of it’s imperial IPA status.

It pours a clear orange with a fluffy fast dissipating head. Mouthfeel was slightly over carbonated to me. The pineapple flavor actually comes through in the taste but doesn’t overpower the other flavors such as grapefruit and floral notes. According to the label its IBU comes in at 69 which seems a little low for a imperial india pale ale. This results in a palate pleasing bitterness. There is a malty, booziness that I could have done without but you can’t have it all!

I look forward to drinking the other 3 cans of my 4 pack but I won’t crown this a fantastic DIPA.

It’s slightly above average, I give it a 3.50 out of 5.

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