Coriolis NEBCOOn this IPA Day I’m cracking open my review on Coriolis from New England Brewing Company. If your curious what Coriolis means here’s the wikipedia link, I believe I slept through this chapter of Physics. I kind of remember the term “Coriolis Force” or “Effect” but I don’t know if it has anything to do with this beer. The can has a Tyrannosaurus Rex eating an elf holding hops. I doubt the inertial force of an object in circular motion and the perceived  direction of the motion/force is related… unless it’s because Superman forced the Earth to reverse its spin in an attempt to turn back time and totally screwed the space time continuum but  I digress. Back to the beer.


Coriolis NEBCOCoriolis is a nice. Double India Pale Ale. I haven’t had a lot of IPAs that use Nelson Sauvin hops, let alone exclusively. It’s a pretty bold flavor. Initially the smell is all resiny hops. There is definitely a citrus/juice note that brings a little sweetness but also a dryness, like a wine. It pours almost clear and gave a tight white head that dissipated in a few minutes but did leave lacing behind on the glass as I sipped and swirled. With each sip I kept expecting it to get bitter but it never happened. There also isn’t a huge malt character considering it’s a DIPA, which pleases this drinker! This combination of bold hop flavor without being overly bitter, not malty and juicy citrus makes for a really enjoyable tasting experience. At 8.2% ABV you’re not going to down a 6 pack in one sitting.

Overall I give this beer a solid 4.25 out of 5.00